Wingfoiling is the ultimate feeling of freedom for us. Maximum freedom of movement is part of this. ‘Being stuck’ with a leash around your ankle and standing on it regularly is of course bloody irritating. But good safety is also important of course. The Oceanus roll up leash could solve some of this problem. Read below what our experiences are with the Oceanus roll up leash.

Dog leash for wingfoilen ????
The Oceanus roll up leash looks a bit like a dog leash and is quite hefty and also not super light (10 x 13 cm / 450 grams). You tie the Oceanus roll-up leash to a belt or harness around your waist. You just attach the end to your board. If you use the included belt, you can also attach the leash of the wing to the belt.
It is a bit of a search for what the right length is where the leash is no longer on tension, but also does not drag through the water. Once the adjustment is found, the leash is really a relief. During winging you no longer feel the leash at all. You also forget the extra weight on your back pretty quickly.
If you fall into the water, the leash rolls off neatly. The roll up tension is adjusted so well that the board does not come back as a catapult. With the swim back to your board, the Oceanus leash just rolls up neatly. The Oceanus leash is really an improvement on the water compared to the traditional leash.
There is also a big advantage on the side, at the end of the leash there is a squeeze closure so that you can disconnect the leash from your board without difficulty. So no more hassle to loosen the Velcro of the leash. Squeezing and loosening is your leash (or again fixed of course).
Maintenance important
It is important that you let the leash dry after use. If you have been in salt water it is important to rinse the leash to prevent corrosion etc.
Worth investing!
With a price of €89,- (roll up leash + belt) the leash is about 2 x as expensive as a traditional leash, but we think it is well worth the investment. In our webshop you can order the Oceanus roll up leash with the belt.